Varšava 2.- 8. března 2020 - eCommemoration 1945
Tom Rett
Sabina Millerová a Jan Vilém Rajner měli stejně jako ostatní vítězové EUSTORY možnost přihlásit se do projektů, které pořádá německá nadace Körber-Stiftung. Využili hned první příležitosti a zúčastnili se projektu eCommemoration 1945.
Projekt byl velice zajímavý a je úžasné, kolik lidí s různými perspektivami se na něm sešlo, takže jsme mohli vést zajímavé diskuse. Probíhal již od konce listopadu a během online části projektu jsme plnili zadané úkoly. Jedním z mnoha z nich bylo věnovat se výzkumu zapomenutého příběhu, kterým jsme se posléze zabývali i během workshopu ve Varšavě. Ve Varšavě jsme mimo jiné probírali koncept instagramového muzea (@silentstories1945). Kromě pestrého programu během workshopů jsme navštívili i Muzeum Varšavského povstání a měli jsme možnost podívat se do Paláce Kultury a projít se po varšavských památkách.
Jan Vilém s námi sdílel zadané úkoly a část své práce
Každý měl vytvořit video do 1 minuty intro + očekávání a to, co jsme se učili ve škole a očekávání.
Časová osa do které jsme měli zařadit 10 nejdůležitějších pojmů souvisejících s WW2.. Zde jsme pouze stejně zaznačovali začátek a konec války
Rozhovor s kýmkoliv, kdo je nám blízký: jeho názor a vědění o válce (některé otázky byly povinné) limit 3 minuty
Práce ve skupině o 6 lidech. Práce s prameny.. Silent story roma Augusta Floriana
Brainstorming jednoslovná odpověď tedy vymezení pojmů: What is memory? What is a historical narrative? What is history? výsledek ze všech odpovědí: History (often used synonymous to past but that’s wrong): study, interpretation of past events and their recollections.
Narrative: past events are told in a certain way. It can differ from person to person, group to group what is told about the event(s) and how it is told.
Memory: the way by which groups of people create specific narratives about historical events and then identify with them (important part of personal/individual and group identities)Seznámení s osobou, s kterou budeme do budoucna nadále pracovat:
*Who is your person of interest {protagonist}:
Doctor Vilém Reiner *1912 (from 1949 Rajner) my grandfather, born into a Jewish family.
* What the situation of your person like and how did the person cope with that:
After the creation of Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, he has left his family he loved very much and on the second attempt successfully emigrated to Poland, where he had to continue to the Rivne oblast (Rovno Oblast) in Ukraine. From his life in the Rivne Oblast, Vilém entirely concealed his Jewish origin so he thought he could live without persecution. Through his life in Ukraine, he surreptitiously cured and tried to help Soviet soldiers, Partisans, Volhynian Czechs and Jewish ethnicity. Vilém Reiner also cured the local population and he was also forced to move around Rivne Oblast due to OUN ( Organisation of Ukranian Nationalists), which tried to force him to join their activities, which he not only from moral values refused. With the arrival of the Soviet army, he was established as a director of the rayon hospital and a member of the Military Medical Recruitment Commission in the rank of officer. He tried to join the army twice but his requests were refused as he was left as a director of a hospital where he had to stay until an alternative to him was found.
* What was the main challenge of your protagonist {obstacle} what kind of problems did he or she face during the end of the war and the time afterwards:
What has happened to his family? How many of them survived? He received a letter from his brother Josef Reiner who was typed twice. Is he disabled? When will Vilem be allowed to get back? Will it ever happen? Or should he listen to his friends and stay in Ukraine and later move his erudition in clinics in Moscow? Shall he was married to a Polish woman who was unpopular in the city and would go to his home country? Shall He with His Pragmatic Philosophy Throw Over His Jewish Traditions?* What was the result of that challenge/obstacle {change} about him / her or the family:
He married Polish Felicie Formovám, refused offers of his new friends and finally, in August 1945 they returned with Felicie to his home country. Most of his family during the Holocaust didn`t survive including relatives that were his heart the closest. Josef Reiner went blind and had some hearing difficulties. His sister lost the bridge of her wealth. He decided that the best he can do for himself is to erase everything that has something to do with his Jewish origin, his persuasion was confirmed after the persecution of Jewish ethnicity in Poland and mistreatment in Czechoslovakia. Unfortunately, by some things got clearer many things got even more complicated for example inheritance of properties etc.* Who were other important people to your protagonist {secondary characters}:
Family (survivors: brother Prof. Josef Reiner and his sister Frieda Prokešová) friends and patients.Video seznamující s vybranou osobou s kritériem max 7 slidů, nebo 15 sec videa.